If we could take a selfie of OUR SOUL, would we upload it and show it to the world? [...]
Death... We cant predict it, We cant prevent it We cant fight it, We can but prepare for it. Dear ALLAH please help us to prepare for death... [...]
In order to leave all THE SINS all we need is WILLPOWER -Shaykh Tauqeer Chaudhry Hafizahullah Dear ALLAH please forgive all our sins and ... [...]
Ya ALLAH, you have provided us the joy of sleeping on the Softest Mattress, kindly help us cherish the joy of getting up at night, and supli... [...]
Don't take SALAH as a burden. ALLAH gifted us salah as a relief from burden. Dear ALLAH please help us to be punctual in prayers. AAM... [...]
Sometimes a single sajdah to ALLAH heals all the pain [...]
When we see someone doing wrong we must, 1) correct him. 2) pray for him. 3) don't help SATAN against him (by insulting him,... [...]
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz (Rahimahullah) passed away. May ALLAH forgive him and grant him JANNAT UL FIRDOUS. AAMEEN 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 🌟H... [...]
QURAAN opens the Heart And Mind, but first we need to open The QURAAN. [...]
So, whoever does any good act (even) to the weight of a particle will see it. And whoever does evil (even) to the weight of a particle will ... [...]
Blessed are those busy worrying about their akhirah [...]
Don't stop making Dua thinking it's impossible. For nothing is impossible for ALLAH subhanahu wa taala Your Lord has said, .Call M... [...]
Nobody in this world like anything that is substandard, why in the world would we want to have substandard IMAAN Shaykh Kamaluddin Hafizahul... [...]
And we have not sent you O MUHAMMED except as a mercy to the worlds. QURAAN Kareem [21:107] [...]
A woman used to throw trash on Him (PBUH) when He (PBUH) passed by her house. He (PBUH) went to visit her when she got ill. Dear ALLAH pleas... [...]
To be HIS Peace Be Upon Him companion in JANNAH, we must be the companion of HIS Peace Be Upon Him SUNNAH in this world. [...]
I will follow his Peace Be Upon HIM SUNNAH... Will you? Prophet peace be upon HIM my role model. [...]
We live in a society where we wake our kids for School, but not for FAJR salah. [...]
How to concentrate in prayers (salah) Most of us are having the problem of concentrating in salah. It is very Important for us to con... [...]