Prayer is not a spare wheel that you pull out when in trouble, but a steering wheel that directs you to the right path. [...]
Ya ALLAH every night I ask you for a lot of things. I ask you for good grades, good life success and health. But tonight I just want to say... [...]
With ALLAH on our side the impossible becomes possible. [...]
No one can bring true happiness except ALLAH Dear ALLAH please bless us happiness of both the worlds. AAMEEN [...]
Whoever loves to meet ALLAH, ALLAH a loves to meet him. Shahih-Bukhari [...]
I LOVE ALLAH but ALLAH loves me more. [...]
Dear ALLAH pelase make us modest and save us from all the fitnas of the enemies of islam. AAMEEN [...]
D ear ALLAH pelase make us modest and save us from all the fitnas of the enemies of islam. AAMEEN [...]
One of the ultimate test of sabr is when the wi-fi doesn't connect. [...]
How can the sun of Islam rise again while the sons of Islam are asleep at sunrise. [...]
We owe our parents a lot. We never prayed to have them but they prayed for us. My Lord, be merciful to them as they have brought me up in m... [...]
C all me, I will respond to you. QURAAN Kareem [40:60] [...]
The greatest grief on the DAY OF JUDGEMENT will be seeing our GOOD DEEDS in someone else's SCALE. Dear ALLAH please save us from t... [...]
Not a Single Photo exists of Him ﷺ Yet He ﷺ is in the Heart of BILLIONS. Dear ALLAH please give us true love of our beloved Prophet Peace B... [...]
If everyone is pleased with us but ALLAH is not, what have we gained? And if ALLAH is please with us but no one else, what have we lost? [...]